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Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Charity Cup Ignites Bermuda Football Once Again

The start of the 2023/24 season was a huge success thanks to the Bermuda football community. On Sunday, September 3rd, 2023, fans from across the island gathered at the Devonshire Recreation Club to see 2022/23 Premier Division League Champions, PHC Zebras, take on the 2022/23 FA Cup Champions, North Village Rams.

The following day on Labour Day 2023, the Dudley Eve group stages commenced, which saw four (4) teams from the Premier Division getting into the swing of football once again.

As we look to continue to grow the support for our domestic senior leagues, the Bermuda Football Association (BFA) is incredibly proud to announce the successful partnership with a local business whose ethos and legacy are rooted in community support, the Lindo’s Group of Companies.

Zach Moniz, Manager at Lindo’s Group of Companies, confirmed the company’s commitment to football by sponsoring the four (4) Cup Competitions that feature teams from our Premier and First Divisions.

The Charity Cup sees the Premier Division League winners take on the FA Cup Winners, playing on the Sunday before Labour Day annually.

The notable Dudley Eve tournament includes all ten (10) Premier Division teams playing in the September to November match window.

The honorary Shield Trophy and Friendship Cup, which sees First Division and Premier Division teams, respectively, taking on each other during the November to January match window.

The coveted FA Cup sees teams from any Full Member Association playing against each other for THE pinnacle trophy of the senior men’s league.

Throughout the summer of 2023, BFA’s Marketing Committee members, responsible for securing sponsorship on behalf of the Association, engaged in several talks with Zach Moniz. Moniz said, “The Lindo’s Group of Companies recognizes how important sports in Bermuda are to the community. Football is one of the most popular sports on the island, and we are pleased to play our part in supporting it.

“When Lindo’s was approached by the BFA, it was without hesitation that we confirmed our support this year. We are proud to sponsor the Cup competitions being held for the 2023/2024 football season, and we can’t wait to watch! We hope that more businesses will get involved and support the sport where they can.”

The future of the annual cup competitions looks exceptionally bright. Next season, fans, players, and clubs can look forward to renewed excitement surrounding the season opener, Charity Cup, with the format of next year's match already being established.

Next year's Charity Cup will see the participating clubs choosing a charity to play for. BFA Marketing Chair, Terrisa Stewart, said, “I am grateful that Lindo’s are a partner of our Cup Competitions this season. Their support has allowed us to strategize on maximizing the potential of our Cup Competitions not just for this season but beyond.”

“We are excited to introduce a new element to the Charity Cup in the 2024-25 season. In alignment with our vision to ‘bring football alive,’ it is important for us to encourage the Clubs to play for a charity or cause they believe in. This will spark a new level of awareness for the Club and the charities they are playing for. Proceeds from the match will be split between the chosen charities, with the winning Club’s charity receiving a higher portion to add to the level of competition we know our athletes thrive on.”

“This new format is a win-win for the clubs and charities involved. It represents the true essence of what the Charity Cup is all about, and we hope it reenergizes football fans to think beyond the pitch and renews the sense of community that football has created on the island.”
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