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Tuesday, October 01, 2024
BPS Bermuda Sports Superstars Cards Released

The Bermuda Police Service (BPS), in partnership with Hamilton Princess, is excited to re-launch the BPS Bermuda Sports Superstars cards series!

Originally introduced in the 1980s and released approximately every 10 years, these sports cards feature notable local athletes from a variety of sports, with inspiring personal quotes. The 2024 series features Bermuda Sports Legends as well as Superstars.

The aim of this initiative, which continues with today’s 1st October 2024 launch, is to engage Bermuda’s young people through local sporting heroes, while promoting positive interactions between our youth and police officers.

Hamilton Princess and the Green family approached the BPS with the idea of reintroducing the Bermuda Sports Superstars cards. They were keen to assist with not only producing the sports cards, but modernizing them.

While primary and middle school students are the main focus of this community outreach, any young person interested in collecting the sports cards is more than welcome to engage with a police officer or visit any police station to start their collection.

Over the next two weeks, uniformed officers will be attending school assemblies to promote the initiative and hand out cards to school-selected students.

Officers will also visit schools during lunch breaks, youth community centers, and other youth gathering spots, fostering positive interactions while distributing the cards.

We encourage our youth to actively seek out police officers throughout the island to collect all 44 cards, which will be released between October 2024 and May 2025.

A new set of six cards will be introduced each month, adding an element of discovery and excitement, motivating our youth to engage with police officers in a positive way.

The first cards are now available for collection at Hamilton Police Station, with Somerset, and Southside Police Stations scheduled to follow soon.
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