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Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Ocean View Closest to the Pin at Government House 2024
The Ocean View Closest to the Pin event is set to take place at Government House yet again.

In November of 2022, Brian Morris sent this request to the Governor in an effort to enhance and make people more aware of the relationship between Ocean View and Government House while also strengthening the relationship between Government House and the community.

The concept was to have a Closest to the Pin competition on the grounds facing North Shore and the proceeds would go to the charity of the Governor’s choice.

Shortly after, Morris received approval from Government House to host the event. He was elated.

In January two weeks before he passed, he went to Government House to discuss the preliminaries and he decided on a date in April.

Unfortunately, Morris passed before he could see this vision come to fruition and the team involved decided to go ahead and continue planning this magnificent event in his honor.

The Governor decided that the recipient of the proceeds should be PALS which was so fitting as this was also Morris’ favorite charity.

Time is running out so please get your application in. If unable to send the application online, visit Ocean View Golf Course and submit them.
This event is in part making Morris’ dream come true.

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