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Sunday, June 30, 2024
Powerboat Racing returned to the Hamilton Harbor

A total of three senior Junior racers are taking part this year from our 2023 race season- Bakari Smith Jr., Ryan McLean, and E’Mari Ingemann all took part in today’s races.

In race One Smith Jr. took the checkered flag followed by McLean in 2nd and Stovell finished in 3rd. Race 2 saw E’Mari Ingemann finish 1st, Kody Paul in 2nd, and Amouri Hollis finished in 3rd

Four rookies participate in the Hamilton Harbor race today- Lucas Flood, Riahz Stovell, Kody Paul, and Amouri Hollis, coming from the Saturday practice days. From that group, one of the rookies Flood, took first place for their debut race in Race #3 (which included the winners of the first two races). 2nd place went to Smith Jr. and Ingemann in 3rd.

In the final shootout race, McLean took 1st Flood was 2nd and Paul finished in 3rd.

Our Juniors were running on average 50 second lap times racing a triangle racecourse distancing about 1.2 miles. They are racing in GT15s, 13ft in length with 15 horsepower engines.

Turning to the adult classes a total of 7 boats participated today. Two in the A class, one in the BV class, two in the D class, and two in our largest, the S class.

The first race, which is for seasonal points, was a 20-minute race that resulted in a 1st place finish for Henry Talbot and Andrew Cottingham in S22 followed by David Selley and Steven Bridges In S1. Steven Meireles and Philip Raposo in D297 took 1st place; Shaki Easton and Makai Hodsoll in D10 took 2nd place. Brandon Desilva and Blake Burgess took 1st place in BV111. And finally, in our A class, Shane Madeiros and Erin Butterfield took first place in A26 followed by returning former National champion winner Chris Marshall and his grandson Jacari Marshall in A3 for second place.

The second race was for National Championship points. Results were a change in position with S1 taking the 1st place slot followed by S22. D297 took 1st place while D10 took a ‘DNF’ due to mechanical failure. BV111 took 1st place for BV class, followed by A26 taking the with for A class followed by A3 in 2nd place.

Today’s races would not be possible without our sponsors Crisson Construction, High Lift, and www.bdaboats.com.

On behalf of the Bermuda Power Boat Association, we would also like to thank the Marine and Ports and Coast Guard for their assistance and all our crash boats that dedicated their time to make sure our race day went off safely and successfully.

Lastly we would like to thank Scooter Mart Motor Fest and Bermuda Charge for inviting us to take part in their annual event.
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