The Bermuda Triathlon Association hosted their first Super Sprint race of the season.
Ollie Hayward clocked a winning time of 22.58, with a time of 23.46, Dylan Eiseklt finished second and Sanchez Smith finished third with a time of 24.21. Standard Distance - 200m Swim/3 laps Bike/2 laps Run
22.58 Ollie Hayward 23.46 Dylan Eiseklt 24.21 Sanchez Smith 24.35 Jens Drea 25.49 Will Green 26.36 Sofia Leclerc 27.03 Lucas Bule 27.26 Spencer Haldeman 27.27 Ella Shepherd 27.28 Yan Leclerc 27.55 Maddie Schindel 28.24 Arthur Wightman 29.02 Daniel Woods 29.15 Kelise Wade 29.25 Jacob Leclerc 29.58 Isla Cooze 30.35 Nicholas Burke 30.46 Gareth Yeomans 30.58 Ethan Smith 31.33 Paul Tohill 31.54 Carl Cao 32.23 Vaughan Van Oudstshoorn 32.41 Ronan Davidge 32.46 Rory Fosker 35.15 Deryk Raymond 24.19 Caroline Black (1 lap run) 100m swim/2 laps bike/1 lap run 23.37 Calvin Haldeman 23.38 Aiden Taylor 24.15 Lucas Eiselt 23.58 Romy Drea (bike/run)