The Butterfield Bermuda Championship APGA Tour event got underway at the Port Royal Golf Course, Joseph Hooks shot an opening round 4-under par to lead Ryan Alford and Marcus Byrd by 2 strokes. Click Here to see Pictures of Butterfield Bermuda Championships APGA 2022 Day One
Damian Palanyandi leads the Bermuda players after his round of 2-over par 73 and finds himself T11th, while Oliver Betschart is T13th after his first round 3-over par 74.
Camiko Smith is 20th, following his first round of 7-over par 78, and Cory DeSilva shot a first-round 16-over par 87 to finish the day in 21st.
Butterfield Bermuda Championship APGA Tour Leaderboard
-04 Joseph Hooks -02 Ryan Alford -02 Marcus Byrd -01 Willie Mack III E Christian Heavens E Tim Oneal E Kamaiu Johnson E Joey Stills +01 Aaron Grimes +01 Kevin Hall +02 Damian Palanyandi +02 Trey Valentine +03 Jordan Bohannon +03 Oliver Betschart +04 Tommy Schaff +04 Brad Adamonis +04 Jarred Garcia +05 Rovonta Young +06 Andrew Walker +07 Camiko Smith +16 Cory DeSilva