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Monday, March 11, 2024
Fat Tire Massive Mountain Bike Series Final Standings

Following the Seventh and Final Round of Fat Tire Massive Mountain Bike's action of the season, www.islandstats.com now brings you the Final Standings in each Division.

Jackson Langley edged Kavin Smith by one point to claim the Male Open 60-Minute Division title with 137 points, and Alan Potts finished third with 114 points.

Pansy Olander, was crowned the Female Open 60-Minute Division Champions with 141 points, Charlotte Millington was second with 129 points, and Wendy-ann Thomas finished in third with 127 points.

Male Open 60 Minute Standings

1372 Jackson Langley

1364 Kavin Smith
114 Alan Potts
109 Che'quan Richardson
106 David Byrne
99 James Holloway
88 Brian Steinhoff
87 Michael Terceira
74 Gordon Smith
60 Philip Worboys
57 Duncan Simons
55 Andrew Charlesworth
50 Conor White
49 Sam Bullen
46 Hans Hirschi
44 Rhys Pearce
41 Dylan Eiselt
31 Christopher Smith
21 Frederick Phillips
29 Mcquinn Burch
20 Dennis Fagundo
19 Chris Nusum
19 Daniel Ringer
18 Dominique Mayho
18 Christopher Roque
17 Andrew Davis
17 Benjamin Mushokoza
12 Paulo Medeiros
11 Craig Ferguson
09 Mark Da Ponte
07 Zachary Moniz
07 Edwin Bento
06 Maceo Dill
06 Jens Drea
05 Jenai Robinson
05 Kian Wookey
05 Stephen Ryan
05 Timothy Fox
05 Dominic Smith
05 Rupert Henagulph
05 Matthew Carr
05 Andrew Thomas
04 Oliver Riihiluoma
03 Yan Leclerc
04 Cassandra Mcphee
04 David Frank
03 Yan Leclerc
02 Wendell Burrows
02 Paul Hayward
01 Karl Outerbridge
01 Laurie Miller
01 Peter Riihiluoma
01 Julian Fletcher
01 Deryck Raymond
01 Chris Pedro
01 Cameron Morris

Female Open 60 Minutes standings

141 Panzy Olander

129 Charlotte Millington
127 Wendy-ann Thomas
116 Jennifer Wilson
70 Ashley Robinson
49 Rebecca May
22 Caitlin Conyers
18 Jennifer Lightbourne
17 Becky Garley

Male Open 30 Minute Standings

125 Sherman Darrell

105 Mike Belvedere
98 Rui Moniz
94 Howard Williams
89 Ryan Wilson
82 Holger Eiselt
52 Shane Mora
50 Maceo Dill
25 Kent Richardson
25 Charles Dunstan
22 George Pettee
20 Paul Hayward
15 Ollie Hayward
14 Tony Salatino

Female Open 30 Minute Standings

150 Zina Jones

Male Novice Standings

136 Mark Richardson

117 Kareem Johnson
114 Alexander Roque
50 Jeremiah Murphy
40 Richard Jayes
22 Peter Bondi
22 Elijah Simmons
18 Tariq Ahmed

Female Novice Standings

144 Arlene Macguinness

139 Katrina Carr
102 Olivia Bishop
55 Caroline Roque
22 Alexandra Wilberz

Male 13-16 Standings

139 Ray Richardson

120 Sanchez Smith
119 Makao Butterfield
109 Lucas Bule
67 Legend Macintosh
65 Jasper Lau
47 Joshua Wilson
47 Jens Drea
25 Zachary Moniz
16 Cody Moniz
16 Fletcher Logie
15 Jonah Macguinness
15 Jacob Leclerc

Female 13-16 Standings

147 Skye Ferguson

138 Kelise Wade
20 Sofia Leclerc

Male 9-12 Standings

137 Jonah Macguinness

133 Hannes Swart
125 Alfie Jansma
115 Tristen Thompson
100 Austen Carr
98 Isaac Wookey
81 Jacob Goodwin
67 Hudson Pitcher
61 Abram Da Ponte
52 D elliot Simons
49 Lukas Eiselt
44 Owen Davis
42 Kingsley Travis
33 Ethan Smith
28 Benji Stones
26 Grayson Roque
25 Cruz Butterfeild
23 John Dickinson
23 Noah Richardson
20 John Dickenson
15 Jacob Leclerc
14 Mathias Stevens
12 Conor Szakmary
11 Julian Borchardt
06 Knox Roberts-Dunkley
04 Ethan Adelsberg

Female 9-12 Standings

133 Ava Swart

131 Ruby Cook
119 Holly Cook
75 Naomi Macguinness
74 Lauren Simons
67 Savannah Lee
36 Esme Jansma
34 Ella Raposo
22 Romy Drea
17 Caroline Smatt
15 Stella Richardson
15 Sophie Tindall
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