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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Minister Addresses Coney Island Motocross Proposal

"In accordance with Section 10(1) of the Bermuda National Parks Act 1986, the National Parks Commission was invited to consider the proposal for a motocross event at Coney Island and did so on June 19th, 2024. It should be noted that the primary function of the Commission is to ‘..advise the Minister on matters affecting the long-term conservation and management of the system’.

"The Commission made recommendations to me regarding the possible staging of the event and provided in their response three (3) reasons for not recommending approval of the event.

"Notably, the Audubon Society, who is represented on the Commission and was part of this process, indicated their view that this event should not be approved. That is a proper exercise of their voice and expression of their views on the Commission.

"However, the collegiality of such public bodies is seriously injured when one party uses their position to further their narrow aims in the public domain.

"Members of the Commission are provided with confidential information to facilitate their deliberations, and fairness and best practice dictates that public confidence in the process is not betrayed in this way.

"As Minister, I have always strongly supported our young people and their initiatives to enhance community benefits. When this proposal was first presented, I felt it deserved thorough exploration, at the very least, and I met with the proponents to seek answers to the three queries which constituted the Commission's advice to me.

"The organizer had taken their comments to heart and had gone away and secured satisfactory answers to them. I gave conditional approval so that they could seek advice and support from other stakeholders.

“Overnight, I have further researched the matter and confirmed that having consulted the Department of Planning twice, the organizers have been informed that planning permission is not required for this event.

"While I have not yet made a final decision, I am carefully reviewing all of the recommendations provided to me before doing so, as the legislation requires.

“Additionally, considering the breach of confidentiality by the Member representing the Bermuda Audubon Society, I would expect that, at a minimum, they will apologize to the organizer for the unwarranted harm they have caused to his business venture.

“In the interim, I will be considering the authority provided to me under the Bermuda National Parks Act, 1986 – Third Schedule Section 6 with respect to the continuing appointment of the Audubon Society representative."
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