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Monday, September 16, 2024
Barnes Reflects on 2024 Stars Championship Series

The 2024 Stars Championship Series came to an end for Scott Barnes. It was Barnes’ first year racing Stars, first time to 3 of the 4 tracks and he had blast.

After brining you Barnes’ daily results, today we bring you comment, Barnes posted on Social Media.

Barnes wrote, “Stars runs a first class series for sure, highly recommend!

Although we had to settle for 2nd in the Championship after one DQ for rain tires in Indy, and had to settle for 2nd in Night Fight Saturday in North Carolina after getting spun from behind in the final, thanks Scott Presti, we still had a good season.

I picked up a bunch of wins including 2 of 4 finals wins and an Overall win, beating all the KZ’s with our 6 HP less ROK motor. We hung with the KZ’s all year on the ROK Power and put up good fights.

Congrats to Matt Machiko and Mike Rivera on their Championships. If it wasn’t for the rain tire DQ the championship was mine.”
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