Press Conference Western Stars-Government-Gotham’s
It was back on Wednesday, October 30th, 2019, Minister of Public Works, Lt. Col. David Burch announced a Government, Gorham’s Ltd. and Western Stars Sports Club Partnership.
Gorham’s first wrote in December 2018 to propose an arrangement that would benefit both their business and Western Stars. In order to advance the discussion I asked the Estates Department – within the Ministry - to coordinate meetings between the two parties to discuss how they could work more collaboratively together.
The results of those very fruitful discussions brought us there that day to announce an in- principle agreement between them and the Government of Bermuda to mutually benefit of all parties. Simply stated, Gorham’s want access to an unused, densely overgrown strip of Government owned land to the west of their property for a new roadway to connect the front and back areas of the property.
In exchange for which they would provide significant support and upgrades to the field and club operations.
That announcement 5 years ago was to publically confirm Governments formal agreement to the concept and will provide Gorham’s with written confirmation of same so that they can engage the Department of Planning and all other relevant statutory bodies to ensure the plan is acceptable. Gorham’s will incur and pay for all the associated surveying, engineering and design costs. At the successful conclusion of that process we will proceed to a formal agreement between the parties and establish a definitive timeline for the commencement and scope of works to be undertaken.