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Friday, January 27, 2006
The New National Squash Coach

National Squash Coach Denise Sommers
The New Bermuda National Squash coach is Ms. Denise Sommers, Sommers a Holland National, has been coaching squash for some 18 years. During her Pro Career Sommers was ranked #1 in Holland between 1995 and 1996, with her highest individual ranking being #24 in the World, Sommers was also a member of the Holland National Team that finished runners up in three consecutive Euro Championships to England from 1994 – 1996.

Sommers when speaking to Islandstats.com said, “she would like to see more women get involved in the sport of Squash at the National Level”, she went on to say, “she has not seen Nicholas Kyme or James Stout play, but will get a chance to see Kyme when he plays in the Fast Forward National Championships, to be held at the Squash Club February 4th – 11th 2006.

Sommers became interested with the Bermuda job when see saw it advertised on line, she said, “My father is from Jamaica and my mother is from Holland, it would be a good experience to live on an island and do something that I love to do”.

Sommers has been busy having only been in Bermuda 1 week working with the Juniors, but she will eventually get into full gear with the senior group before travelling to the Commenwealth Games in March.
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