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Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Second Spring Senior Bowling League Round-Up

In Second Spring Senior Bowling League action at the Warwick Lanes saw the Drifters​​​ defeat the ​​Islanders​​ 3 - 1​​, the Star Lites​​​ defeated the ​​New Comers 4 - ​0, and the Last Pin defeated the ​​​Pinsplitters 3 - ​.​1


Handicap Game:

Bubba Daniels ​273
, ​​Llewellyn Jones​​ 233, ​​Teddy Swainson​ 212

​​​​​Handicap Series:

Llewellyn Jones​ 672
, ​​Bubba Daniels​​ 649, ​​Teddy Swainson ​602

​​​​​Scratch Game:

​Bubba Daniels ​182
, ​​Alpheus Santucci​​ 181, ​​Llewellyn Jones​ 158

​​​​Scratch Series:

​Alpheus Santucci​ 501
, ​​Llewellyn Jones​​ 447, ​​Nathan Stevens ​416


Handicap Game:

C. Lynn Cann​​ 264
, ​​June Bean ​​​242, ​​Corrine Durrant ​233

​​​​Handicap Series:

June Bean​​​ 658
, ​​Corrine Durrant​​ 652, ​​Dolores Simmons ​644

​​​​Scratch Game:
C. Lynn Cann​​ 192
, ​​Bobbie Jones​​ 188, ​​Susie Bradshaw​ 171

​​​​Scratch Series:

Bobbie Jones 522
, ​​Corrine Durrant​​ 460, ​​Susie Bradshaw​ 448
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