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Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Bermuda Bowlers Begin Pan American Championships
Bermuda’s National Men’s Bowling Team members began competing in the Pan American Championships in Reno Nevada.

At the end of Day One, which saw the players bowl Singles, Damien Matthews finished 62nd with a six-game total of 1,205 pins, his highest game was his final game he bowled 215.

Michael Honore finished 66th with a total of 1,194 pins, he bowled a 224 in his fourth game, while Lamar Richardson finished 82nd with 1,127 pins, his best game was a 235 in the sixth game.

David Maycock finished 83rd with 1,124 pins, he bowled a 204 in the fifth game as his best, Anthony Hayward finished 90th with 1,054 pins, his best score was a 214 in the first game.

Dayvon Tucker finished 93rd with 1,037 pins, he bowled a 223 in the sixth game as his best.
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